Muške Frizure Danas: Cassidy i 16 Zero Fade muških frizura!

muske frizure
Hajden Kasidi

Hayden Cassidy je devojka koja je osvojila socijalne mreže snimcima muških frizura koje kreira u svom frizerskom salonu. Hayden je rodom iz Republike Irske, ali je trenutno stacionirana u Berlinu gde svakodnevno radi na ulepšavanju modernih dečaka Berlinskih ulica!

Stari novi ambijent u barberšopovima!

Zero fade ( Obrijana glava sa strane na nulu sa blagim prelazom) je veliki svetski trend ove a i zadnjih par godina. Trend “Barbershop” sve više i više osvaja svet, a muškarci su poludeli za šišanjem kod takozvanih “Old School” barbera koji nude tradicionalno šišanje, brijanje i sve ostalo vezano za ulepšavanje jednog modernog muškarca koji voli lepo i uredno.

Šta je muška frizura danas za jednog sasvim običnog muškarca?

Nekada je muško šišanje bilo samo skraćivanje kose. Nekada se išlo u berbernicu samo jednom u mesec dana. Danas su se te stvari promenile. Danas je ide u berbernicu svakih dve sedmice ili čak svakih sedam dana, zavisno od toga koliko često želite da osvežite “fade”.

Šta je to Nula Fejd?

Nula fejd je tehnika šišanja kose na više različitih dužina. Sam naziv “nula” označava najkraći deo koji je ošišan na nulu. Kako se pomerate sa sečenjem kose prema vrhu glave, tako se veličina kose postepeno povećava. Konnačna dužina ne mora da ostane nula. Sami početak glave okolo ušiju možete da izbrijete sa britvom. Tehnika šišanja na obrijano popularno se zove “bald fade”.

nula fejd šišanje kose

Šta je dobar fejd?

Dobar fejd je fejd koji je dobro izbalansiran na glavi. Svaka kolona svake dužine bi trebalo da je ravnomerna.

Da li je nula fejd i dalje u trendu?

Trend “nula sa strane’ se vratio. Dvedesete, tridesete godine prošlog veka nose inspiraciju za ovaj današnji izgled. U malo modernijem obilku, pogledajte kako to Hayden radi u Berlinu u jednom od najposećenijih salona za muškarce.

Koliko dugo traje nula fejd?

Nula fejd šišanje bi trebalo da se ponove posle dve do tri sedmice od zadnjeg šišanja. Ako nemate vremena da posećujete frizera svake dve do tri sedmice možda ovo i nije frizura za vas.

Da li je nula fejd za svakoga?

Ova frizura nije za svakoga kao što ni druge frizure nisu bađ za svakoga. Ako radite na veoma ozbiljnom radnom mestu gde od vas zahtevaju da kosu ne šišate na kratko, onda razmislite pre nego što uradite nula fejd. Ipak, u današnje savremeno doba, poslovni svet sve više prihvata nove trendove te se ovakvo muško šišanje više ne shvata neozbiljnim.

muske frizure

16 Muških Frizura – Zero Fade

Ljubitelji kratkog šišanja, ovo je vaša godina! Čak i ako nikad niste probali ćelavo, ove godine se možda odlučite i na to. Nakon što pregledate kompletan album koji vam je Hayden pripremila, probajte ponovo da kažete “Ne”!


Extremely straight hair. I was lucky enough to have trained on Asian hair, which meant I had to learn techniques to apply texture and soften edges before I knew that naturally some hair does that. For me it was harder to learn at the start, however when it came to cutting naturally wavey or fine hair I found it a lot easier. This guy has the straightest hair and showed me an image of a very textured crop I cut, with a few basic techniques and knowing the shape I needed to create, I produced a visualization of waves. He has no product in his hair. Challenge yourself- don’t shy out of hair types that seem new to you or different- use them to learn and to grow- step out of your comfort zone, the worse thing that can happen is you get it wrong the first time- which will only prepare you for the second time. Nothing bad ever came from a mistake. . . . . For more techniques and tutorials subscribe to my YouTube channel HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on


Im booked up tomorrow and off for a few days after. You can catch the last few appointments next Saturday or get booked in now from 5th December- 16th December @ebonyandivoryberlin before I head for my Christmas holidays back home. Also, I’ll be cutting on the 20th December in Dublin city @thedemonbarbershop – DM me for a slot – there’s just a few left! ???? . . . . YOUTUBE- HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on


Im booked up tomorrow and off for a few days after. You can catch the last few appointments next Saturday or get booked in now from 5th December- 16th December @ebonyandivoryberlin before I head for my Christmas holidays back home. Also, I’ll be cutting on the 20th December in Dublin city @thedemonbarbershop – DM me for a slot – there’s just a few left! ???? . . . . YOUTUBE- HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on


Im booked up tomorrow and off for a few days after. You can catch the last few appointments next Saturday or get booked in now from 5th December- 16th December @ebonyandivoryberlin before I head for my Christmas holidays back home. Also, I’ll be cutting on the 20th December in Dublin city @thedemonbarbershop – DM me for a slot – there’s just a few left! ???? . . . . YOUTUBE- HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on


Im booked up tomorrow and off for a few days after. You can catch the last few appointments next Saturday or get booked in now from 5th December- 16th December @ebonyandivoryberlin before I head for my Christmas holidays back home. Also, I’ll be cutting on the 20th December in Dublin city @thedemonbarbershop – DM me for a slot – there’s just a few left! ???? . . . . YOUTUBE- HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on


Im booked up tomorrow and off for a few days after. You can catch the last few appointments next Saturday or get booked in now from 5th December- 16th December @ebonyandivoryberlin before I head for my Christmas holidays back home. Also, I’ll be cutting on the 20th December in Dublin city @thedemonbarbershop – DM me for a slot – there’s just a few left! ???? . . . . YOUTUBE- HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on


Im booked up tomorrow and off for a few days after. You can catch the last few appointments next Saturday or get booked in now from 5th December- 16th December @ebonyandivoryberlin before I head for my Christmas holidays back home. Also, I’ll be cutting on the 20th December in Dublin city @thedemonbarbershop – DM me for a slot – there’s just a few left! ???? . . . . YOUTUBE- HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on


Im booked up tomorrow and off for a few days after. You can catch the last few appointments next Saturday or get booked in now from 5th December- 16th December @ebonyandivoryberlin before I head for my Christmas holidays back home. Also, I’ll be cutting on the 20th December in Dublin city @thedemonbarbershop – DM me for a slot – there’s just a few left! ???? . . . . YOUTUBE- HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on


Im booked up tomorrow and off for a few days after. You can catch the last few appointments next Saturday or get booked in now from 5th December- 16th December @ebonyandivoryberlin before I head for my Christmas holidays back home. Also, I’ll be cutting on the 20th December in Dublin city @thedemonbarbershop – DM me for a slot – there’s just a few left! ???? . . . . YOUTUBE- HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on


Im booked up tomorrow and off for a few days after. You can catch the last few appointments next Saturday or get booked in now from 5th December- 16th December @ebonyandivoryberlin before I head for my Christmas holidays back home. Also, I’ll be cutting on the 20th December in Dublin city @thedemonbarbershop – DM me for a slot – there’s just a few left! ???? . . . . YOUTUBE- HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on


Im booked up tomorrow and off for a few days after. You can catch the last few appointments next Saturday or get booked in now from 5th December- 16th December @ebonyandivoryberlin before I head for my Christmas holidays back home. Also, I’ll be cutting on the 20th December in Dublin city @thedemonbarbershop – DM me for a slot – there’s just a few left! ???? . . . . YOUTUBE- HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on


Im booked up tomorrow and off for a few days after. You can catch the last few appointments next Saturday or get booked in now from 5th December- 16th December @ebonyandivoryberlin before I head for my Christmas holidays back home. Also, I’ll be cutting on the 20th December in Dublin city @thedemonbarbershop – DM me for a slot – there’s just a few left! ???? . . . . YOUTUBE- HAYDENCASSIDYHAIR #afrobarbers #berlinbarber #berlin #berlinfashion #irishbarber #menshaircut #mensfashion #menstyle #barberlife #beforeandafter #oldschool #ladybarber #femalebarber #layrite #groom #groomed #fadecity #fadegame #fade #skinfade #wahl #wahlpro #ukbarber #photography #model #malemodel #shoots #fashionphotography #trends #fasiontrends @menshairworld @guyshair @internationalbarbers @britishbarbersgotstyle @barbershopconnect @showcasebarbers @menshairs @barberlessons_ @barbertalent @thebarberpost @ratemycuts @yoiscissorsandsharpening

A post shared by HaydenCassidyHair (@hayden_cassidy) on

Video: Kako napraviti nula fejd


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